Historic dockyard to relaunch its church

Sheerness Dockyard Church was built in 1828 as part of the comprehensive redevelopment of the Sheerness Royal Naval Dockyard between 1813-1830. It is listed grade II* and stands within Sheerness Royal Naval Dockyard and Blue Town Conservation Area. 

The Church is a rare example of a very small group of Royal Naval dockyard chapels built during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Only three others survive: St Anne’s Portsmouth, Chatham and Pembroke Dock.

The Sheerness Dockyard Preservation Trust aims to rescue the building for the nation and transform it into a unique, innovative, and viable business/events centre for the local community. 

Working with commercial, public and charitable partners the Sheerness Dockyard Preservation Trust will deliver the following:

  • Save the church from further risk by undertaking immediate urgent repairs and conserving for the long term.

  • Create the Sheerness Enterprise Centre which will bring together, in one place, all of the strands of support for engaging young people to help them develop and sustain their career: from school leavers’ support and training, to premises, business mentoring and career development initiatives.

  • Conserve & return to Sheerness the dockyard model and allow public access to view.

  • Provide a community café and event space venue for local and regional hire.



£4.75million NLHF grant recently awarded

Project co-ordinators

We are delighted to be working to save such an iconic piece of British naval & ecclesiastical history. Not only will this project save the heritage but provide an innovative space for young people to thrive and prosper.