Historic dockyard to relaunch its church
Sheerness Dockyard Church was built in 1828 as part of the comprehensive redevelopment of the Sheerness Royal Naval Dockyard between 1813-1830. It is listed grade II* and stands within Sheerness Royal Naval Dockyard and Blue Town Conservation Area.
The Church is a rare example of a very small group of Royal Naval dockyard chapels built during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Only three others survive: St Anne’s Portsmouth, Chatham and Pembroke Dock.
The Sheerness Dockyard Preservation Trust aims to rescue the building for the nation and transform it into a unique, innovative, and viable business/events centre for the local community.
Working with commercial, public and charitable partners the Sheerness Dockyard Preservation Trust will deliver the following:
Save the church from further risk by undertaking immediate urgent repairs and conserving for the long term.
Create the Sheerness Enterprise Centre which will bring together, in one place, all of the strands of support for engaging young people to help them develop and sustain their career: from school leavers’ support and training, to premises, business mentoring and career development initiatives.
Conserve & return to Sheerness the dockyard model and allow public access to view.
Provide a community café and event space venue for local and regional hire.
£4.75million NLHF grant recently awarded
Project co-ordinators
We are delighted to be working to save such an iconic piece of British naval & ecclesiastical history. Not only will this project save the heritage but provide an innovative space for young people to thrive and prosper.